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[pyrnet] Pyr needing rescue in Fort Wayne, IN
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Next | Dog discussion To: Pyrspectives@egroups.com
From: Katie Allison Granju
<kgranju@yahoo.com> | Block address
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 14:11:39 -0800 (PST)
Reply-to: Pyrspectives@egroups.com
Subject: [Pyrspectives] Pyr Rescue Needed in Fort
Wayne, IN
This was posted on the AOL Great Pyr Board:
Subject: IN Pyr needs home
Date: Tue, Dec 12, 2000 8:14 AM
From: Realmeg51
I had posted this a few months ago and heard from
someone in IN, but have since changed servers and lost
their email. Anyway, after 4 months at our new home
(a condo) we feel that "Sadie" would be happier at a
home with more property. Our neighbors would also be
happier!! I don't think she barks any more than a
normal Pyr, but far too much for our community. We
previously lived on an acre with tree buffer and had
no problem. Our attempt to control the barking with a
"bark collar" failed. You could tell that she got
the message - but choose to ignor it and bare the
Sadie is 2 years old, spade, current on all
has papers, but is not show quality. She is
housebroken and of course has a wonderful personality.
There is still some "puppy" in her personality but is
well behaved. I think she is on the larger end of a
female - 31-32", but long and lean. She has been
trained on an invisible fence and never breaks
through. What else can I say - we love her but feel
this is the best decision for all.
We are not in a hurry - want to find the right home
for her. I can be contacted at
realmeg51@home.com. Pass the word, please.
Katie Allison Granju~
Knoxville, TN
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