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[pyrnet] Higher in the Rear
My male has slept along side my bed from the time he was 8 weeks old .Last
year when we rescued our female he would not allow her in the Bed room at
any time .I feel there was two reasons for this one that has always been his
spot second that's where I would sleep and I have read that dogs naturally
become more protective when there masters sleep and are in a prone
position.This went on for about 2 months and one day she just looked so sad
while I was in the bedroom and I invited her to come in,Shadow seemed to
sense the invitation and made no move to stop her.I cant say he was happy
about it but it was accepted because I am the Alpha.From that day on the two
have become friends and he accepted her.But I made it very clear to her on
her arrival into the house he came first and didn't make a big fuss over her
because I didn't want him jealous.Now I have both of them behind my every
step they both sleep by the bed and compete with my husband for snoring the
loudest.Even the bathroom isn't scared she sits in back of the tub and he
sits by the stairs of the tub incase a bubble should attack me.But I think
your going to have to set the guide lines you have to be the Alpha for any
peace in your home.She may be at the age that the challenge is going to
start nip it in the bud now she has to respect you especially.Good Luck
Peggy Shadow and Noel