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Re: [PyrNet-L] Chat: Help! Anais is eating my car!

Judith Stroh Miller wrote:

> <<you can also go to a carpet store and have a remnant cut to fit the
> back of your vehicle.>>

I thought of that, but I've heard stories about chewed rug fibers doing real
damage to their intestines, and she would chew a carpet.  Actually, she's really
into a chewing phase!  I just found her in the back of the house, chewing the
back of a wooden chair, and I keep finding her chewing the corner in the hall.
I'm spraying with bitter apple.  I'm not sure if it's helping.

> << Then get a dog barrier to keep her in the back.>>

I have one but it's soft, and if left alone for a few minutes, she manages to
get over it.

>  <<But are you sure the she's too small for the crate?>>

She just barely fit into the one we had in the car, but I thought that it was
too hot in there for her in the weather we were having, and I thought she'd be
too big for it by fall, so I donated it to our trainer, who is also the Bergen
County Animal Control officer, and rescues most of the animals she's called to
pick up.

> <<Ah, I can see it's time for a bigger vehicle <g>. Be sure and get one
> big enough for TWO!>>

Now, there's an idea!  Actually, I've got a year left on my lease.  The next
vehicle will probably either be a Subaru Forrester or a Saturn wagon (their new
one that is the same size as a Taurus.)  Does anyone know how a Pyr (or two<G>)
would fit into either of those?  I don't think I can afford anything bigger.
But I will have to measure the interior carefully.  It has to hold a Wolfhound
as well as a Pyr and two little old dogs who don't take up too much room.  The
crate would fit fine if it wasn't for the Wolfhound!

Thanks to all for the advice and suggestions.  I think I'll stop in at the
Barnes & Noble & start reading horse magazines.

Stephanie & Anais & her little suburban "flock"