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Re: [PyrNet-L] Question About Grooming

On 30 Aug 99, at 8:48, Dancingpyr@aol.com wrote:

>  It had been some time since we had bathed our
> one male (he's our livestock guardian), and as a result, his skin and coat
> really needed work.  In the future, we'll be paying much more careful
> attention to how often we bathe him.

Even with the livestock dogs, I feel it's important to keep them 
brushed out on a regular basis. When the coat gets thick and mats 
form, less air reaches the skin.  Many of the rescues we get in have 
the start of skin problems due to foreign material working into the 
skin, and then there's the ticks too. Some have never been groomed 
and I'm amazed at how soon the hot spots clear up once they are 
groomed and clean.  My non show dogs usually just get two baths a 
year, unless we have some special function.  A weekly brushing to the 
skin keeps them clean and their coat and skin in good condition.

Brushes; coat type will determine which brushes work best.  The pin 
brush, a slicker and undercoat rake are good basic equipment to have. 
My rescue has a thick stand out coat and the pin brush and undercoat 
rake work the best on her. The slicker works best on the others.  But 
I do use them all at times.

Taos, New Mexico