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Re: [PyrNet-L] Odor help, please

<<I have hardwood floors, very OLD hardwood floors. This house is a rental,
and the hardwood has not been refinished in absolutely years.  Dogs have
peed on it long before mine ever did, although Sam seems to have christened
it a bit more than my dally, or dogs before him, according to the landlord.
(that's another story in itself...)   I took up the rug and poured Natures
Miracle on the floor  and set the fan on it to let it dry.  It is so humid
here right now, that I doubt that it will dry fast- nothing is.  I figured
it can't hurt the floor anymore than it has been already  and that maybe
it'd neutralize the odor, but it is not working.  it still smells.  Any
suggestions? I really would like to get rid of it before winter comes and I
can no longer leave all the windows open........:)>>Merrilie

Hi Merrilie, Being an Aussie I haven't heard of 'Natures Miracle' - is it
one of those products that destroys the odour by destroying the bacteria?
(:-/).  If it isn't, you may want to give one of those a try.  Things we
have here include one specifically designed for kennels etc called
'Bac-to-Nature' or the washing powder 'Bio-Zet' .  Another mixture I have
had some success with is a 1:1 mixture of vinegar and water.

A tip for masking the smell for your landlord (and yourself) too - oil
burners!! :-)  If you know he is coming over, burn some strong smelling oil
like eucalyptus etc in it, or wipe every surface you can think of with it.
You can also add it to the water when you wash the floor.

Hope this helps a bit!

Tracy Bassett
Canberra, Australia
visit my webpage at http://members.dynamite.com.au/espinay/index.htm