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Re: [PyrNet-L] Rescue/Looking for special home

In a message dated 99-08-25 07:14:02 EDT, you write:

<< Do some Breeders not realise that when the
 xxx amount of dollars are handed over it's not the end of the commitment but
 the beginning of maybe 10 years plus? >>

Sorry, Jan, but to some "breeders" they do think that this is the end of the 
commitment.  A reputable breeder will help an owner with problems arising 
with a dog.  It's those who have a "puppy mill" mentality - "yeah, lets have 
a litter each time the bitch comes into season so we can make more money!", 
that want the money, but not the responsibility that comes along with it.  
And, unfortunately, these types of people are VERY difficult to change, as 
they don't see what they're "doing wrong".  David and I haven't bred our pyrs 
- we got them as pups, and they are only now getting coming into breeding age 
- and while we'd like to, we are also quite aware of the responsibility 
involved, and to this we're giving long hard thought.  Commitment is a good 
word - as it's what each breeder needs toward his dogs, their offspring, and 
to the breed as a whole.
