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Re: [PyrNet-L] Tail..er..tale.

Ranger ( now 17 mo. ) is keeping  us amused with his latest trick.  It
seems he has developed a real love of feathers!  Fortunately...not while
they are on the birds.

He has taken to gather discarded bird feathers   ( mostly chicken, ducks
or geese ) and collecting them in his mouth while he outside.  After
doing those out-door jobs they are supposed to do, he slinks back in (
big dogs don't slink especially well I have noticed ) the house.  The
first time I noticed him I couldn't figure out why he had that funny "
lips caught on teeth look" all the way evenly around his mouth.  Didn't
take long before there were feathers popping out.  I opened his "
gob-stopper" and cleared out the feathers.  He was most un-happy with
me... with the look of " Oh Mom, you take away all my 

Now every time he comes in you have to study him for feathers, although
usually now he just lets them stick out!  Do you suppose he has a "
Dumbo" complex, and thinks he will be able to fly?  Or is this the LGD
version of camouflage?  I will just be out here with the flock, and look
like a bird?  Does this, then make him "Big Bird"?  :-)

Either way, he sure has us laughing.  He is such a lover, and is so good
as I stand un-stuffing his treasures from his mouth.   Cindy.

Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
in the dog."  ~ Franz Kafka

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