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Re: [PyrNet-L] Dresses?

Diana, these dogs are great with kids, and while physically they are more
active than most dogs their size, they seem to have a natural affinity
for children.  I was totally amazed to see Our Polar Bear, lay down to
children who were smaller or timid, and this is when she was still only
about 6 mo. old.  We have no little people around any more, so this
amazed me!  She in particular is absolutely nuts about kids, although 
the other three love children too.  The fact that you have so many
"little ones" available to you, will assure her calm attitude with
children.  Remember as she grows   ( once shots are finished, and she is
protected ) to get her out and socialize her with people ( even standing
in a grocery store parking lot works, parks, city streets ) People are
drawn to their beauty.  When people ask if they can pet her, tell them
that is exactly what you are there for, and then supervise kind handling
of your Tara.  She will benefit.

She will be a huge girl if she makes that size, that is mostly the range
for males.  Should be interesting to see how big she gets.  But don't
rush it, enjoy her as a baby, they grow up way too fast!

Enjoy!    Cindy.
Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
in the dog."  ~ Franz Kafka

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