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Re: [PyrNet-L] Dresses?

On 18 Aug 99, at 9:06, clhenke@juno.com wrote:

> I've missed something.  Are there areas where women must where dresses to
> show in the ring?  I mean , people who show seriously always try to dress
> nicely, but that includes nice slacks.  What's this on the dresses?  Cyn. 
>    P.S. I know we have  not shown in a long time, so I thought I should
> ask!

The majority of women showing pyrs in NM, CO and AZ do wear dresses 
or skirts, even thought we are a bit more informal here in the 
Southwest.  Some do wear nice pant outfits.  I've observed it's a 
breed selective thing. The Dobie and Rott folks tend to wear pants 
more than dresses < the women that is> VBG!
I always figure if the male judges can don a tie and suit or sports 
jacket in 100+ weather, I can manage nylons and a dress. Just a way 
of showing respect to the sport. Probably also depends on the 
generation one was raised in. I personally can remember, hats, white 
gloves and nylons with seams!! (:-o. hmmm, wonder if they wore white 
gloves to show dogs back in the good ole days? Just answered my own 
question, looked at photos from 1938-1949 in Mary Crane's book. NO 

Taos, New Mexico