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Re: [PyrNet-L] Where is everybody?

Loved your pictures! Lucky you with the nice weather.  Here in Virginia we have
had all-time record heat and drought!  The Pyrs hate the heat (we have 4 fans
running in the kennel building and shade cloth all over the runs).    We are
beginning to worry that our well may go dry.

Puddinwood@aol.com wrote:

> Hi everyone:
>     I usually don't post to the list.  Just enjoy reading the interesting and
> clever things others post.  However since the list has been quiet and people
> are wondering where everyone is, I thought I would respond.
>     I live in the Los Angeles area in Southern California.  We have been very
> fortunate this summer and have not had very hot weather (at least so far!).
> My Pyr and Newf have been comfortable, thank goodness.
>     If you would like to read my Pyr Heather's story, go to
> http://members.xoom.com/pyrwhimsy/Pyrwhimsy/
> (Note: This is my first attempt at a website and I'm still learning!)
> Linda and my rescue Pyr, Heather
> puddinwood@aol.com
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