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[PyrNet-L] Where is everybody?/fear of thunder

OK, is there anyone out there??  I am beginning to think there is something
wrong with my computer!!!  Trouble is, everything is coming through from
other lists ok!!

Had a bit of a storm here last night.  I very cold, wet and windy.  A bit of
thunder and lightning too.  The dogs aren't that fussed, but it is fun to
all cuddle up together on the bed and watch the light show!!  Nice and warm
too with two Pyrs and a Dally footwarmer! :-)  For those people who's dogs
have a fear of thunder, I found this site the other day.  It may have a few
ideas you can use: http://www.golden-retriever.com/thunder.html

Tracy Bassett
Canberra, Australia
visit my webpage at http://members.dynamite.com.au/espinay/index.htm