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Hi Folks, I am forwarding to you all the latest progress report for the Year
2000 conference.  It is attached below.

Regarding accomodation  - I want to add that if any listers decide they want
to visit the Canberra region before or after the Conference, I am happy to
have you stay here (at least I know you won't complain about the Pyr hair!!

Tracy Bassett
Canberra, Australia
visit my webpage at http://members.dynamite.com.au/espinay/index.htm

>>Subject: Progress report "2000 World Conference"
>>Dear Pyrlover,
>>What is the purpose of a "WORLD CONFERENCE":
>>1. To bring people together, who have a common aim.
>>2. The common aim creates friendship and understanding.
>>3. Understanding is to bring our differences together, by
>>   means of common sense and give and take.
>>The second "WORLD CONFERENCE" hosted by the Pyrenean Mountain Dog Club of
>>Victoria (Australia) Inc. will adhere to the above three principles.
>>Dates of all fixtures are now locked in :
>>29th October 2000 the South Australia PMDC Inc. have selected this date
>>for their PMD Championship Show.
>>1st November 2000 the Victorian PMDC Inc. will hold their 26th
>>Championship Show at KCC Park Melbourne ( the largest in - out doors dog
>>venue in the Southern Hemisphere).
>>2d November 2000 the formal opening day of the "WORLD CONFERENCE" venue
>>also KCC Park Melbourne, which has modern catering facilities to cater for
>>up to one thousand people.
>>3d November 2000 the informal day of the "WORLD CONFERENCE" venue: as
>>4th/5th November 2000 the Working Dog Club Championship Show, venue: also
>>KCC Park.
>>7th November 2000 the Sunbury Canine (all breeds) Championship show venue:
>>The Township of Sunbury (North of Melbourne) a large sporting oval with
>>modern facilities surrounded by hills.
>>18th November 2000 the PMDC of New Zealand Inc. Championship show venue:
>>(will be announced).
>>So,the complete package runs from the 29th Oct. to 18 Nov.2000, which is
>>21 days. Only attendance tickets for both conference days have to be
>>prepaid and will be available as from the 1st NOVEMBER 1999.
>>Out of the 21 days minus 8 doggie days = leaving 13 days for relaxation
>>such as e.g. visiting kennels or friends, wineries, penguins, beaches
>>etc.etc., which can be prearranged for you by our Club members.
>>For low-budget visitors we can supply private accommodation (including
>>Pyr-hair) on a first come first serve basis.
>>The replies re NOTICE/REMINDER & DRAFT AGENDA was excellent. Closing date
>>for same will be soon, so if you have not replied please do it a.s.a.p.
>>We still seeking speakers for some of the mentioned draft agenda issues ?
>>Also we are looking for an expert Internet person who can advice us
>>amateurs : "How we can get our message across to the non-English speaking
>>The above "PROGRESS REPORT" is approved by the Committee of the PMDC of
>>For any replies/queries please use Email: andorra@ozonline.com.au   (Eddy
>>Van Eck)
>>             or
>>chalaronnepyrees@telstra.easymail.com.au   (Mal Kirkland)
>>Snail-mail: Ms Tania Kirkland
>>                 P.O.Box 442
>>                 Sommerville  3912
>>                 Victoria, AUSTRALIA
>>Phone/Fax:  61-3-59777427
>>URL: http://www.padache.com.au/kaynine/pyrclub.htm
>>>E.D. Van Eck J.P.