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Re: [PyrNet-L] Skin Problem?

It sound like a case of seborrhea, it is a disease that the skin reproduces
to rapidly and there is no cure. Some feel that a bath given with benzoyl
helps. As stated in Foster & Smith catalog. If this is whait is. A good
brushing every day well help to rmove some of the dead skin. Some feel that
adding Missing Link or Lipiderm to the food helps. I hope your guy out grows
it but a mix down the street from me is now 3 years old and still has the
problem if not given a bath and brushed.  Is there a oily, smelly coat ?
This is one of the signs but not all ways does this happen. Just a thought
and some reading
-----Original Message-----
From: Dancingpyr@aol.com <Dancingpyr@aol.com>
To: pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org <pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org>
Date: Sunday, August 08, 1999 6:01 PM
Subject: [PyrNet-L] Skin Problem?

>One of our pyrs has an "interesting" skin condition, and we're at a loss as
>to what to do for it.  Overall, his coat is in good condition, not falling
>out or patchy, or anything like that.  However, there are places on his
>that are raised and scaly.  The spots aren't inflammed - and apart from
>noticing it when we pet him, it doesn't seem to cause him any discomfort.
>This condition has been going on for probably a year now - on and off.
>had the dog checked for mite and fleas (neither), allgeries (came back
>negative), tried him on a variety of foods - regular dog chow, rice & lamb,
>even a "natural" dog food.  Can't say there was any difference.  We've been
>told to wait until the dog is older (he turned 2 in June), that due to his
>large size, his skin can't keep up with the rest of his body growth.  But,
>don't like to see this condition continuing.  Any other suggestions?  I've
>tried to give you an accurate picture of what's going on, but if you need
>more information, please let me know.
>Thanks - Robyn
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