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Re: [PyrNet-L] Up and Running???

> <<On Saturday, Greenville, SC had an all time high temp of 104!  By the time
> we got home, all the dogs wanted to do was lay under the ceiling fans or on
> the A/C vents and sleep.  (Funny, so did the humans in our household :-)) >>
> Everyone has been having such unusually hot weather but us. Here in the
> Texas Panhandle, we have had an unusually mild summer, with much more rain
> than we normally get. Everyone here has been complaining about the humidity,
> something very rare for this part of the world! Bet you were glad to get
> home! I'll hope for some relief for you guys where the weather is punishing
> all living creatures!
Well here in Ohio we finally did get relief - now it's been unseasonably
cool, barely making 80 and low humidity. Normally it's upper 80's - 90's
and humid. All reminders I go back to work on the 25th.
