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Re: [PyrNet-L] NON-PYR/PLLEASE go here!

I will tell you that sex offenders 99.9% of the time DO NOT get  better.  I
certainly would want to know if there were any in MY neighborhood,
especially if I had children at home!!!!  Too bad this was a Texas site and
didn't carry NJ info.  Joy McCarron (Maggie's Mom)

----- Original Message -----
From: judith diamond <pyrenees@gwi.net>
To: <pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org>
Sent: Monday, August 02, 1999 10:53 PM
Subject: [PyrNet-L] NON-PYR/PLLEASE go here!

> Gitano Road wrote:
> >  I did and found 14 sex offenders liging in my very tiny town.Sex
> > offenders in your neighborhood
> > Important!
> > Check this out!!!!
> >     HELLO,
> > TRAFFIC VIOLATER'S, mugger's jay walker's  iilegal street vendor
> > seller's. ( BTW, I shouted here accidently, excuse me, no time to do
> > over. Thanks!)
> >     This is really not about them! It is about our ever so precious
> > right of our pursuit of liberty, happiness and justice for all.
> >     Ever read Animal Farm or 1984?
> >     This is just how these police state thing's creep in. Slowly.
>     You think that so called gun control laws are what our
> constitutional forefather's ever, ever had in mind? I do not! It's not
> the gun's that are wrong, it's the wrong people using them. They'll just
> get it from a larger black market, creating more underground criminals.
> Just as Prohibition was. Just like drugs are again today. It's not the
> user's that are such horrid criminals that are over filling our jails.
> It's the gigantic cartels world wide that is the worst & biggest problem
> of all.
> >     Gee, I wonder in the beginning of Nazi Germany, suddenly and
> > alledgedly for 'the People's good and best intrest little by little
> > suddenly everyone became much more aware of Jews. Some of them became
> > anti-semetic when they hadn't been until the goverment propaganda.
> > Then, of course there were the unspeakable concentation camps. They
> > weren't marked by their town address's. They had their skin burnt with
> > a tatoo number or had clothing, like a jacket, with a Jewish star
> > sewed on it.
>     These offender's have done their time. Yes, I know many repeat their
> offenses. So let's spy on them, hate them, gossip about them, walk to
> the other side of the street with our children in hand. Let's punish
> them again and again and again. and then let's see how much of a chance
> they might have to become better citizen's.
>     Yours in freedom & pyr spirit,
>     Judith, Jonah & Lexi
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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