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Re: [PyrNet-L] HELP: Rusty pup

Hello Merrilie

>     Recently some pyr loving folk made some non- harmful suggestions
> to me about removing pine sap from Lexi, my pregnant bitches paws.

    If these were safe enough for her, I would think that Sam would be
fine, if you use one or all of these thing's!
    Mayonnaise, peanut butter, cooking oil and Dawn Blue Dishwashing
soap. <bg>
    They need to be gently, but thoroughly massaged into the pyrs
discolored area. Then washed off well.
    Thus far, I have tried the mayo & the oil, with pretty good
    For the pyr eye area, I use Coet's ( square less sheddy) Cotton
pads, cotton rolls ( used also, at hospitals & easy to take off any size
piece you need) or just the cotton ball's.
    Jonah, just abhors his eyes being touched, unless their kissed by
his Mommy. Thereby, he is very good about keeping his eyes shut. Lexi,
well Lexi, in most things is another matter! <vbg>..
    Good pyr luck!
    Yours in pyr spirit,
    Judith, Jonah & Lexi

>   It has been so humid here that everything has rusted (or rotted...)
> - and Curious Sam got snooping around something that was rusty.  Now
> he has rust all over his face, and I don't know what to use that's
> safe to get it off- especially around the eyes.  I wiped off the
> excess with clear eyes (or something like that -for the tearing
> problem) but there is still alot of rusty residue.  Any suggestions?
> Merrilie