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[PyrNet-L] Re: A non pyr personal update :)

jdmigas wrote:

> Melissa,
> You have every right to blab - so keep blabbing and a big congrats to you!
> Dianne Migas - NJ Shore

> Dear Melissa,

    To me there is boasting to inflate ones ego with  brash, negative and self
serving motives behind them.
    Nay! Nay! Not you! Not here! Get it out of your clever mind! This is a
momentous & happy event!
    You are so *rightfully proud* of your very hard earned accomplishment. It
*is* quite a huge one! Of course, one would want to tell their friend's,
family & maybe almost most of all their pyr friends!
    I am so proud of you and I barely know you! <bg>.
    We in the pyr world will soon have another medically extremely competent
member! LOL!
    I know when school calms down for you or when you graduate, I know who
I'll be typing to for great pyr advise! <BG>
    Keep up the good work!
    Yours in pyr spirit,
    Judith, Jonah & Lexington