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[pbmserv-dev] cathedral

In the sample board from Sirrus, the tower was confusing, it did not look
like it was facing west.  Can anyone confirm this?  I wish to make sure
I understand the notation if I decide  to write this game for the server.
Is anyone else thinking of writing this game for the server?
If I did do the game of cathedral for the server  I would change some
things to try to make it look better.   Please look over this email and
give me your suggestions and whether or not you like the look I propose.
(is it asthetically pleasing, functional, understandable?)
 in each example the location of the asterick '*' is the location that
 the piece is placed on the board when giving a move notation

   | * |
   |   -----
   |       |
   -----   -----
       |    >>>|
    tower facing east

        | *     |
    -----   -----
    |       |
    | v -----
    | v |
  tower facing south

   |<*<    |
   -----   -----
       |       |
       -----   |
           |   |
   tower facing west

           | * |
       ----- ^ |
       |       |
   -----   -----
   |       |
  tower facing north
   | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
 A | .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .
   |                   ---------
 B | .   .   .   .   . | o   o | .
   |       -----   -----   -----
 C | .   . | X | . | o   o | .   .
   |       |   ----|   -----
 D | .   . | X   X | o | .   .   .   .
   |       -----   -----
 E | .   .   . | X   X | .   .   .
   |           ---------
 F | .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .
 here, Ohs placed a tower at B6 (location of asterick) facing south TOsB6 
 then, Eks places a tower at C3 facing east: his move would be TOeC3
 In retrospect, I believe the location of the asterick should remain the
 same on the piece no matter what its orientation is.  I believe in the
 example above, Ohs first move would have been TOsB7, the asterick that
 locates where the move is designated should *not* change.  Does everyone
 agree with me?  In other words think of the asterick as a nail or pivot
 point and the piece rotates around this pivot and changes its compass
 direction accordingly.
 (also, notice that in the graphic, a vertical bar takes precedence 
 over a hyphen when two pieces are next to each other :-)