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RE: [HOE] Lost Colony (PEG)
> These complaints focus on d20 pollution of a 'core' deadlands rulebook to
> the detriment of people who *don't* use/like/want d20. Space spent on d20
> rules that could have been used for more plot exposition or more deadlands
> content.
I got a brief look at the LC rules at Gencon, and decided not to get it. To
me, the inclusion of D20 rules wasn't what bothered me. I don't like D20 and
use it as little as possible, but I will concede that it does wonders to
contribute towards PEG's financial future. The reason I didn't get LC was
the material was organized badly and it was difficult to find what I was
looking for. The layout wasn't clear, the index was barely functional, but
what it all boiled down to was that I couldn't find what I was looking for.
So, no sale. It wasn't D20 that turned me off... my wife and I actually
enjoyed the demo game. It was layout and organization.