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Re: [HOE] Hello, and cyborg questions
>OK, question: Why do cans have such crappy guts rolls? I understand the
>whole thing about losing your self-image and spirit as you get more and
>more cybered (it's in every damn game with cyberware anyway), but it seems
>odd that that would effect guts checks. It seems like, if anything, a
>can's guts check should go up (or at least stay the same) the less human
>he becomes.
>I just have this picture of all the cans running around screaming during
>the congo wars because they all failed their guts checks so bad and are
>freaking out.
The really nasty guts checks are due to supernatural means; i.e. walking
dead and mohave rattlers. So perhaps the "more machine, less man"
side-effects result in an entity much less able to deal with things outside
of normal experience and perception. A can with low spirit begins to
_become_ his AI, and those things simply weren't programmed to deal with
the minions of the Reckoners.
That said, it's still a little odd as is, but at least it does something to
explain why these things weren't crapping themselves in fear left and right
during normal combat situations.
- Martin