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Re: [HOE] Hello, and cyborg questions
> Actually, these are the questions we had AFTER pouring over the book.
> The description of the SRU does state that it doesn't repair organic
> parts, which is why I figured it worked like it does, but the player
> argued that once someone is not only a "cyborg" but a dead human at
> that, nothing was organic. I.e., an SRU wouldn't heal a living human
> or a traditional harrowed who'd just jammed it in his head. I
> disagreed, but wanted to make sure, as it never explicitly states that
> a cyborg still has to eat raw meat for healing like a traditional
> deader.
I'm sorry, but this is just trying to min-max based on a bit of poor
grammar. The SRU heals any mechanical parts in a can, the rest has to be
healed with consumption of meat. Plain and simple.
> Seemed like an unbalancing feature (why wouldn't someone just take a
> light can and ADD an infiltration unit?) until I noticed the increased
> rules of engagement for that level, and the lack of CPU. Even then,
> is this a fair trade-off? With the additional $15k, you could easily
> buy the $6500 CPU and the Infiltrator system, and you get the
> expensive Samson unit for free. And buying emancipated at 2 - a mere
> 2 character creation points - cuts out the greater rules of
> engagement. Just doesn't seem to add up.
Well there are other issues to consider. All that extra gear is really
going to kill someone's spirit. Which makes things like guts check suck
really bad (incidently, this seems kinda screwed up, but I'll get to that
later). Also if the light can's manitou ever does become unfettered then
his lower spirit is really going to suck (Manitou: "You mean I get get
total dominion over a guy with an energy rifle AND AV 4?!?
> Of course, on the exact same page, the caption of the picture is "an
> infiltrator is sniffed out," and shows a human-looking cyborg being
> detected by a dog. Mixed messages.
I think that pic was supposed to be a demonstration of the problems cans
had BEFORE the infiltrator package was designed. It is a little confusing
OK, question: Why do cans have such crappy guts rolls? I understand the
whole thing about losing your self-image and spirit as you get more and
more cybered (it's in every damn game with cyberware anyway), but it seems
odd that that would effect guts checks. It seems like, if anything, a
can's guts check should go up (or at least stay the same) the less human
he becomes.
I just have this picture of all the cans running around screaming during
the congo wars because they all failed their guts checks so bad and are
freaking out.
Theo McGuckin - SysAdmin, JLab, Safety Warden (Bldg. 85)
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The Interrupting Cow.
The Interrupting Co..