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<snipped thought about Manitou bonding with Harrowed>
>Just a thought.
How I always played it(agian this is my game and it might not be totally PEG
approved) was that there were 3 types of Cyborgs/Harrowed
1) Good old tradtional Harrowd. You die, Manitou chooses you, you come back.
No metal added
2) Post Harrowed Cyborgs. You were just like the guy above. But you wanted
some metal. So they hooked you up with all the neat bionics. You most
likley don't have an AI, but I figured you can't fetter your Manitou since
he already has been bonded to you. He'll still give you the juice for your
parts, but he still can easily take control
3) Pre Harrowed Cyborgs. You died in battle and were taken back, A Manitou
was caputured, fettered and put into you. You have an A.I.(which sucks just
as bad, or worse) but your Manitou isn't bugging you(unless you take some
flaws). I figure the manitou in this case, is stuck in the fetter and not
totally bonded to the harrowed. Thus if the Fetter breaks, he can leave or
take over. He most likely leaves.
Anyways if the player was harrowed first(like it sounds), and then turned
into a cyborg. I would rule that once the Fetter shuts down, the Manitou
probably would kill itself and the Player before they could get it working
again. A figure he'd rather be dead then a slave to some dogooding Cyborg.
Either way I probably wouldn't let a harrowed player get fettered in the
first place. Kinda blow the whole balance of the game out of the water if a
Harrowed doesn't have to worry about dominions.(Yes I realize pre-apoc
cyborgs are all fettered, but they all have A.I., which are even more fun
then Manitous. A Marshal doesn't ahve to even spend a chip to have the A.I.
do something bad.)
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