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> Now wait a minute.  As the rules stand this only partially makes sense.
>  I thought that when a manitou created a harrowed, it bound itself to
> the deader so tightly that it can't get out without just plain DYING.
> This is why it's so much riskier for the manitou to create true
> Harrowed rather than simple Walking Dead.  It's also why the Harrowed
> are more powerful than the Walking Dead.  Kind of like a demonic
> risk-benefit analysis.  Now, if a cyborg (just a Harrowed with some
> metal bits tossed in) can be dumped by his manitou when the going gets
> rough, what's to keep other manitou from leaving their corpses once
> they start getting beaten in those dominion rolls once too often?

Actually, I'd say it depends on how the deader became Harrowed in the first
place. If the character became Harrowed naturally- so to speak- I'd say the
manitou would stick around. However, if the Manitou was bound up into the
fetter then placed into the character's head to make a cyborg, then I'd
think the manitou would be free to go. Of course, you could argue that the
manitou is somewhat "freed" when it's fettered in an existing Harrowed, as
it's separated from the brain in such a manner as to be unable to fight for
Dominion, so maybe it could just escape in both cases.

Nick Zachariasen
Editor Emeritus
Trojan Times