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Re: [HOE] Hello, and cyborg questions

<blatant plug>
Hey, you could always try making an android character.  just as fun without
the hassle!  Check out the book so far at
</Blatant plug>
Anyways, Just remember that you do, as the marshall, have the right to say
"no".  It's in trhe constitution.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Martin Woodard" <reply@mwoodard.com>
To: <hoe@gamerz.net>
Sent: Sunday, September 22, 2002 5:07 PM
Subject: [HOE] Hello, and cyborg questions

> Hi, folks.  Just joined the mailing list, as I'll be marshalin' a game
> starting this week.  I usually like to read a few posting to a list before
> I post myself, but I've got an player who's itching to finish his
> creation, so I'll just ask for forgiveness and answers at the same time.
> The character in question would like to be a cyborg (light or infiltrator)
> which is not immediately obvious as a 'borg.  That means, of course, an
> infiltrator system and the extra "skin covering" option for any cybernetic
> parts.  But we've hit a few stumbling blocks, even using the information
> http://www.darious.com/deadlands/reference/ar/HoE/HoEAR.htm :
>   - How does cybernetic healing work?  The player argues vehemently that
> the SRU should heal any wounds he sustains, but I don't read it like
> that.  I looks to me that any wound levels dealt to a body part that
> been replaced by a cybernetic lookalike heal like normal harrowed; i.e.
> lotsa meat and one roll a day.  But if that's the case, how does healing
> a cybernetic head work, as it's still mostly meat?  And how does healing a
> flesh-based limb that has been enhanced by a samson unit work?
>   - Do harrowed take extra dice of damage to gizzards/head like norms?
>   - Can a 'borg with a samson unit still appear human?  How 'bout one with
> both samson and cybernetic limbs?  Assume he's paid the extra $500 or
> per body part and added an infiltrator unit.
>   - Do animals smell harrowed, or just sense their unnaturalness?  Would
> infiltrator unit fix this?
> Hmmm...  That's the big ones, off the top of my head.  Thanks in advance!
>   - Martin
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