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Re: [HOE] Pieces o' gold

> In the one shot, one of the surviving characters ended up with six
> gold nuggets from the Lost Dutchman Load (Lode?) that had a greenish
> tinge, possibly due to being found in the middle of a ghost-rock vein.
> I'm thinking I want to throw them into the HOE game, having been made
> into something (six rings (Lord of the Rings on the brain), bullets,
> or something else) that the PCs come across. What I'm looking for is
> interesting things to make them into.

Well I'll state the obvious, six bullets for a revolver. How many people
are in the deadlands posse? If by some chance there are six one thing
you could do is make up a story line that the six characters from
deadlands all became harrowed and "went bad". Now they are servitors and
the only thing that can kill them are bullets that were fashioned from the
six gold nuggets that they got off that ship in that epic battle (or some
such). Or just make the guy who found the nuggets go bad and they have six
shots to try to put him down.

There won't be anything like the look on the player's face when he finds
out that the sadistic harrowed bastard they've been trying to kill for
weeks now is actually his old character from deadlands :) (You should have
seen the look on my friend's face when he found out that I made his
deadlands character into Stone ;)

Theo McGuckin - SysAdmin, JLab, Safety Warden (Bldg. 85)

	In spanish Tonto means stupid. Whereas "quien no saber" (or
	kemosabe) means (loosely) "one that doesn't know", or idiot.