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Re: [HOE] Some Oddities that have appeared in our games

> 1)How much damage does a light can wearing heavy battle armor do if he is
> thrown (by a servitor) at someone?

Work it like falling damage, except apply the damage to the soft, meaty
"ground" he's landing on. I figure 1d6-2d6 would work depending on HOw heavy
a can he is.

> 2)Which trait/aptitude do you use for log-rolling a giant alligator?

I'd say Nimbleness, though if for some reason he has the heretofore
undocumented Log-Rollin' Aptitude, I'd let him use it at a slight penalty
due to the fact that his "log" is in this case alive.

> 4)According to Weird Wars, a 40mm antiaircraft gun weighs 5423 lbs. How
> load points is this and could a player mount it in an econobox?

That would weigh significantly more than the car. You could probably mount
it on a tractor trailer, but not an econobox. There's just no way it could
bear that kind of weight.

Nick Zachariasen
Editor Emeritus
Trojan Times