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Re: [HOE] d20, guns and Star Wars
At 12:30 AM 22/05/02, J T wrote:
>Anyway - to bring it back on topic. This is one of
>the reasons I like the deadlands system. The chips.
>Call them what you will, and system that gives the
>player (or GM) control over when thier (N)PC will
>succeed has a leg up over other games.
>It never happens at the climax of the move that the
>hero misses a crucial swing. Imagine if Luke had
>missed the exhaust port. There is no real way to
>capture that element of 'heroics' in the d20 system.
Thats an interesting and relevant point. I don't know about the current d20
system, but I'd be interested to know if there is something comparable to
the force point/character point/karma pool (shadowrun)/fate chip system.
What about feats or whatever? Or are they specific things that can't be
applied to all rolls?
- michael
"It is unlucky to be stubborn in the face of insurmountable odds."
"Coming to an impasse, change; having changed, you can get through."
- Tao Te Ching