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Re: [HOE] d20, guns and Star Wars

>If you have the West End Games version, or can find
>it somewhere going cheap, I'd say pick that up and
>use that. We never really had any problems with it. 
> - michael

The d6 system was IMHO PERFECT for Star Wars.  Yes the
characters were kinda cookie cutter, there was a
laking of granularity on die rolls, and there were
some specific flaws with the execution of the rules,
but the d6 rules did one thing well.

It worked FAST!  And it accurately captured that
heroic umph that movie characters always seem to have.
 The force point and character points systems was
(again IMHO) sheer genius.

Anyway - to bring it back on topic.  This is one of
the reasons I like the deadlands system.  The chips. 
Call them what you will, and system that gives the
player (or GM) control over when thier (N)PC will
succeed has a leg up over other games.

It never happens at the climax of the move that the
hero misses a crucial swing.  Imagine if Luke had
missed the exhaust port.  There is no real way to
capture that element of 'heroics' in the d20 system. 


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