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[HOE] The Librarian's Almanac for March 28th

junker of great repute, is reporting an odd sighting
near the New Orleans Ghost Storm. The elder engineer
was testing a new ‘gator repellant in the surrounding
swamps when he spied three large figures attempting to
penetrate the Storm Wall. Observing from some cover,
Bayou discovered that the figures were heavy combat
cyborgs pulling a large floating platform across the
muddy ground behind them. The ‘borgs were dressed in
full combat armor with bizarre sigils painted across
both front and back. Bayou chose not to follow them
and returned to the village to issue a warning. One of
the possible areas of interest in that part of the
ruins is the Old Martin-Marietta Assembly Facility
where orbital-grade rocket boosters were manufactured.

SPIRIT LAKE, IDAHO- refugees from the community on the
outskirts of the Spokane ruins have begun to trickle
in. Of the community of nearly three hundred souls,
current estimates are that there are fewer than thirty
still left alive. The survivors have a number of
conflicting stories, but there are a number of common
threads. Roughly a week previous, the guards allowed a
woman driving a scavenged hover truck inside the walls
for shelter for the evening. Once the gates had been
sealed for the night, a group of eleven individuals
emerged from the rear of the truck and began
assaulting the town. Concise details breakdown at this
point but a number of descriptions have been
collected. At least two individuals have been reported
wearing military fatigues but possessing no hair, one
report does state someone with mechanical arms and
legs was providing heavy fire support with a
two-handed beam weapon, and the group at large being
led by a shrieking woman in modified armor. There were
also several accounts of a figure dressed in faded
gray clothing wielding semi-auto pistols in each hand.
Every time the pistols were fired, the figure’s hands
radiated red and black discharges.  The woman in
charge was intent on running any survivors of the
initial attack out of the area. When several buildings
caught fire, those who had not fled yet were pressed
into fighting the blaze. There also seemed to be a
large interest in some of the older buildings in the
encampment. Most of the village was built around the
surviving houses in a Historical District and the
invaders had a definite plan in motion.

BOISE, IDAHO- The Templar Robbie Dawson, along with
his companion Alfred CAssidy, have returned to the
Temple with stories of Curses involving a town of
Black Hats. A ull report is promised as soon as Dawson
is fully debriefed by Grandmaster Jo. Templar Dave
Masters has claimed the reward for valorous service
and has departed for Sacramento with a collection of
unearthed books.

Duly tendered by the notorious bibliophile Brother
Dominic, Journeyman Librarian, Defender of Knowledge,
and Purveyour of Heroic Happenings

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