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RE: [HOE] Quick Commo question... [Allan/Shane]

> There should be a better way for these two powers to be either combined
> or made more separate but I have no real idea how.  

How about this fix: building a device with Sensor doesn't need Commo as long
as it's a simple binary yes/no output.  For example, a zombie detector that
simply tells you whether or not zombies are present.  If there are no
zombies present, the light doesn't come on.  If zombies are present, the
light turns on.  Thinks of it as The Machine That Goes "Ping!" from Monty
Python's The Meaning of Life.  If your baby is still alive, the machine goes
"Ping!".  I'd think that would be a fair way to fix Sensor so that it
doesn't *NEED* Commo to be useful.

Oh, and until next Sunday, if I reply privately to anyone about something
meant for the list, could said person please forward the reply to the list?
Our school's web-based interface isn't smart when it comes to listservs and
instead replies only to sender, which I sometimes forget.  Thanks in

Nick Zachariasen
Editor Emeritus
Trojan Times