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Re: [HOE] Wow!
Hey guys,
Yes, we actually found three boxes in Hopler's basement when CG laid him off.
(I helped him move out and picked up what I thought were some Dime Novels
there.) They had not been signed. I do that as Lee takes the orders and plops
them on my desk. At first I did personalized signing but then some folks got
mad because they were gifts for someone else. So now I just sign them with
one of my trademark slogans unless they tell me who they're for.
As for signing books, I'm really glad you all think it's so special! Hell, I
was afraid folks would be mad I was scribbling in their books. ;)
Love ya all,
In a message dated 2/28/2001 10:09:59 PM Eastern Standard Time,
darrin@neobright.net writes:
<< The first 750 HOE Leatherettes were numbered and signed by Shane (mine is
#99) when the game was first released at Origins 2000. I think I heard
they'd recently stumbled across two boxes of leatherettes that somebody had
discovered in their basement, which is maybe where yours came from. Not
that I don't think you should feel special, but it *is* possible that there
is no Leatherette edition that Shane didn't sign. But even so, it *is* a
nice touch. I think from what we've seen with the AEG and CG partnerships
breaking up, there's just nothing that man wouldn't do to make sure he puts
out the best game he possibly can.
If he didn't sign your book... got four little letters for ya: SASE. =) >>