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Re: [HOE] Quick Commo question... [Allan/Shane]
>The book specifically covers a pair of Walkie Talkies as needing both Commo
>_and_ Sensor to operate. Pg 12 JMC.
Got it.
Input requires sensor.
Output requires commo.
I also looked into the accumulate rulings - and here's something that backs
up what you say -
Junkers: Commo
Q) Does a signal type selection have to be made if the device is for
displaying device output only and does not recieve outside radio
signals?(I.E. A readout for a computer made with the brains power.)
A) Yes. [John Hopler, HoE listserv, 6/2/99]
It seems non-intuitive that two powers that are completely intertwined are
that - separate powers.
Allan Seyberth
Deadlands fan site - http://www.darious.com/
Idealism is based on big ideas. And, as anybody who has ever been asked
"What's the big idea?" knows, most big ideas are bad ones.
-P.J. O'Rourke