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Re: [HOE] RE: alternate timelines
In a message dated 6/19/2000 2:33:06 AM Central Daylight Time,
goofazoid@earthlink.net writes:
> Well, that is an interesting idea...But correct me if I'm wrong, according
> JMC,
> Junkers we Mad Scientists who were able to contact tech sprits after the
> manitou
> stopped helping them. So I guess you could say that one had to die (in a
> manner
> of speaking) before the other could come about.
Not really. Mad scientists existed because the manitou whispered sweet
nothings into their noggins.
Junkers exist by persuading techspirits to play tricks.
Mad scientists made Junkers by releasing the techspirits to play by
causing Armageddon. So, in the established timeline that is the case, bit I
don't see how that is an inherent condition. I don't see any incompatibility
inherent to the ABs in question, just in the setting. And considering that
time travel and dimension hopping are quite possible in deadlands, a more
accurate phrase would be "in a setting."
What if nature spirits hadn't destroyed tech spirits when they could (or
were unable to), such as in the example given, where the physical ascendancy
of technology equals a spiritual ascendancy?
The books mention shamans dealing with early gun spirits for example.
What if the Junkers are the result of shamans adapting to the spirituality of
technology, instead of mad scientists looking for new spiritual patronage?