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Re: [HoE] Ambush Ethics
>I've got hypothetical situation that I've been pondering, and need you
>guys' input. Say that the posse is fighting a group of bad guys who are
>smart enough to have good knowledge of tatics. They manage to set up a
>fairly well-done ambush. The posse missing clues and/or Cognition rolls,
What kind of TNs did they miss for the Cognition checks? Theoretically, the
rules only say that you have to make a TN of 5 to avoid surprise. You can,
of course, modify that TN taking into account preceeding Stealth and
Cognition and Search rolls and all (John Goff does in Boise Horror, Chapter
Sounds like tinkering with the TN of the Cognition rolls you required would
be your best bet.
>walks right into it. The bad guys get the drop on the heros, letting
>flying with big nasty ranged weapons (snipers, rockets, etc) from cover.
>The dice, and common sense dictate that the heros are smeared like a fine
>red jelly- all without getting a good look at the enmey or a chance to
>fight back. Realistic, yes, but hardly fair. How do I do realistic ambush
>type situations that show the bad guys' prowess but aren't unfair to the
You may not be able to. *shrug* I always take the "theatrical" view of such
things. If you were watching a movie with the posse as the good guys, how
interesting would it be to watch the on-screen heroes get smeared to a fine
red jelly without a chance to put up a fight? :)
You might have to forego "realism" to some degree in this case...
>-Evil Marshal Mayfield
Steve Crow
"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"
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