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[HoE] "Ambush!!!"

  Evil Marshal Mayfield wanted to know...

<< How do I do realistic ambush type situations that show the bad guys' 
prowess but aren't unfair to the players? >>

  One way I'm going to use one is in my totally altered version of "Something 
About A Sword," I plan on having an ambush for my posse set up in the town of 
Rock Springs, since they've been pretty plodding the entire adventure, and 
have let enough muties get away to give warning.
  I plan on the main baddie have two other muties crucified in the middle of 
an (not-ss) abandoned intersection.  One will be an NPC the character's have 
adventured with, while another will be a mutie that already has a 
stigmata-type mutation, so that he's just bound to the lightpole, not nailed 
  They may suspect an ambush, they may not, but the Doombringer of the party 
will most likely try to save the victims.  If not, he'll get to hear their 
plaintive cries while the NPC slowly dies, and the other pretends to.
  The Doombrnger of our posse is also a sniper, armed with an NA M-42.  He 
does incredible amounts of damage in combat.
  What I plan on doing is having the mutie's sniper put a shot into his head 
after several rounds of sighting him up.
  Either Dave will spend the needed chips to save Jeb the Doombringer, or 
he'll end up with a nasty wound, or he'll end up dead.
  He's always the first guy to snipe at some passing bad guy's head without 
warning, now he'll get the same treatment.

  - Rich
    (The Worm Ouroboros)