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[HoE] Librarian's Almanac for May 22nd

The township of Clint, Texas spreads the word that it will begin to start
trading cattle with any village that can supply caravan guards for the trip.

A scout arrives in Near Tucson with a tale of a pack of mutants living in
what looks like a fully stocked tractor-trailer depot along an old secondary

The Librarian Templar known as the Silver Nun arrives in Lordsburg with a
report of a fleet of three helicopters heading south away from the old Rock
Hound State Park.

Scouts from the Convoy have arrived with reports of a survivor settlement in
Silver City , New Mexico looking for doctors. No one has any idea what the
medical needs are, because the settlement was unwilling to open their gates.
The scouts are looking for volunteers.

Templars from up north arrive looking for someone called Verner Fulton. He
apparently incited a town in Colorado to tear itself apart in civil war by
his words alone.

Schismatic Doomsayers arrive in bad need of medical attention. The nearest
healer that is willing to take them in is almost a day's ride off. Are their
any volunteers to help these purple robes get aid?