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Re: [HoE] First templar experience

>Is it just me, or are Templar's scarily powerful.
>I have a player in my (DL) campaign who has a templar character. He has
>level 5 in the Guardian Angel reward. Never having had experience with
>Templars before I didn't really notice how powerful it made him - coupled
>with a 6 in fightin' sword and a sword that gives a +2 defensive bonus, the
>base difficulty (before other modifiers) for someone to hit him in hand to
>hand is 5+6+5+2 or 18!!!!! Have I missed something here?

Nope, that's about right.  Don't forget there's a Greater Gift (if you can 
get it) that also adds +4 more to your DB, as I recall.

The theory is that you presumably throw lots of shooters at them (in which 
case the TN is only a rousing 10).  For adventures like Killer Clowns, which 
_only_ feature major threats (sorry, the original bunch of BHs at the 
terminal really don't count here) with HTH only, you do...ummm, I'm not sure 
what you do.  Throw creatures with AV 4+ at those Templars, I guess, in 
which case the Templar can't hurt them, they can't hurt the Templar, and 
everybody else opens fire while the Templar distracts it.

>Brian Leybourne
>NT Systems Administrator
>Wang; Air New Zealand


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