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[HoE] Treaty of Stronghold

Well, Treaty of Stronghold happened (a bit undercast), and it went great! 
Everyone did a great job, no mass combat broke out, and noboby got lost in 
the building except for me before setting up. There are some people I'd like 
to thank-

Scott Gray, Sharon Tripp and Owen O'Connel for reveiwing my work

Chad and Brynn for getting me the venue (happy graduation!)

The maitenance workers at the USDAN Student Center at Brandies. They had 
broken English, but were very nice in helping me out.

The players, of course. Couldn't have a game without players. You all were 

The Waltham Papa Gino's for the good pizza, and Don Ross for picking it up.

My Aunt Ellen for getting me a cooler and soda.

My sister Nora for dropping me off there.

My various sources of inspiration- Deadlands:Hell on Earth, the Mad Max 
movies, Dark Eden, history itself, George Orwell's 1984, and Monty Python's 
Flying Circus.

And anyone I'm forgetting. All in all, it was a very good expierence, and I 
hpe to see you all at Treaty of Stronghold 2, whenever I write it.

Peter Berard