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Re: [HoE] First templar experience
Personly Templars are my faverite type of PC so i feel obligated to defend
them. the reason Templars are so powerful is because they need it. first of
the templars are the shock troops to fight the 4 horsemen. second what can a
strong sword fightn' templar do to a sniper about 100yds away. another thing
is that it takes forever to raise their levels in rewards. lastly they have
no real offencive powers beside stuff like inner strength, and that only
helps if you hit the other s.o.b, for we all know that melee combat is the
hardest type to hit the other person. all of the other powers realy just
helps them to servive. if you think the templars are to powerful look at
what other AB charactors can do, nuke from a distance, blow your head up,
make massive weapons, etc.
Randy Rymer
"Aww Sh*t" last words of Bob the unlucky Demolitionist