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Re: [HoE] Toxic Shamans and Cult of Doom
>I think that MIRV is energy, and ICBM is explosion. I am not really up on
>stuff as I dont play one, but we do have 2 in our possie...ICBM with a good
>can level a building. Thats why I asked about ICBM...
I don't have CotA here, or even the basic rules, but the above is basically
The question would be that just because ICBM and Nuke have burst radiuses
and do massive damage, does that automatically make them "explosions"?
Actually, we've had that trouble mostly with Arson, which has a set Radius
of Effect, and does massive damage (I think...), but doesn't have a "burst
radius." So, is it an expplosion, or just a really big fireball? It's kind
of confusing...
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