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Re: [HoE] Toxic Shamans and Cult of Doom

>     Is there anything on the fact that both the
> polluters and the Cult of 
> Doom both are into pollution (The Cult seeing
> radioactive and Biohazardous 
> waste as a means to an end, but still a good thing)?
>  Would the Cult have 
> Toxic Shamans in it adding to the the spiritual
> aspect and the "Mmm, benzene! 
> I wonder what would happen if I put that in our
> drinking water!"

From Spirit Warriors, p 26 "The Cult o' Doom"

  They don't like toxic shamans, especially those who
deal with radiation spirits.  Our ability to work with
radiation, and to cause or remove mutations, just
throws all sorts of wrenches in Silas' theology.  He
has branded all toxic shamans as heretics and put to
death any his troops capture.

  The schismatic Doomsayers are a little more
tolerant, but they still don't trust us.

From p32, "The Mutant King"

  Silas sent emissaries to Blood Claw [King of the
mutant tribes in the Coyote Confederation] a few years
ago when he first heard of the great mutant tribes of
the Coyote Territory.  The mutant leader sent the rad
priest's envoys back to Las Vegas minus their tongues
and other sensitive body parts.  Blood Claw wears them
on a thong around his neck.

Neither the caretaker shaman nor the corruptors like
Doomies - and it goes both ways.

So now let us sing of what remains
There will be stillness in our hearts
There will be sweetness in our lives
By and by...
Steve Wallace

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