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Re: [HoE] Blasphemy (was Spirit Warriors) [OT]

On Fri, 12 May 2000 02:08:31 EDT AJSolis@aol.com writes:
>     Seriously though, I have a question.  Someone said that they 
> used strain 
> these toxic shamans, or perhaps just the shamans of HoE.  Correct?  
> Does it 
> ever say why?  Because I don't see that as making sense.  Strain 
> represents 
> the well, strain, of using oneself as a conduit for hunting ground 
> energies.  
> Hence, sykers, doomies, HoE martial artists, etc, etc, use strain 
> because 
> they channel the energies through themselves.  Others of a more 
> theurgical 
> bent (like the hucksters or blessed) do not, because they don't 
> channel the 
> energy through themselves.  Or at least that is how I understand it.
>    And Shamans are most definitely of a theurgical bent, unless I've 
> missed 
> something.  If anything, I could see worrying about drain to 
> represent the 
> taxing of their spirit allies (like a cyborg taxes its manitou), but 
> that's 
> all.
The toxic shamans _are_ channelling energy. They are pulling energy from
the toxic spirits into the world. While they are focusing this energy
they are serving as a conduit for moving "pure" pollution into or out of
the Hunting Grounds (which way depends if you are a cleaner or
corrupter). Traditional shamans still work the way they always have (no
strain) but these new guys have a much harder time at it.

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