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Re: [HoE] Hunter: the reckoning (was Dice odds)

On Fri, 12 May 2000 02:12:27 EDT AJSolis@aol.com writes:
> In a message dated 5/11/2000 10:22:54 PM Central Daylight Time, 
> reinstag@juno.com writes:
> > 
> > By the way one of the people who contribute to my site is working 
> on a
> > set of rules to play Hunters in Deadlands. It should be up before 
> next
> >  weekend. Monday if I'm lucky.
>     That's just screwy, since I'd be much more inclined to translate 
> the 
> Templars for World of darkness.  The Templars are a competent 
> version of the 
> imbued in my opinion.
Of course its screwy. :) 
Its not going to work for everyone's game but some people (like myself)
don't really care for the World of Darkness game system but I like the
game world. I thought that the imbued would be a nice comprimise between
Templars (only save the "worthy") and lawdogs (save everyone but all I've
got is a gun). This way you get to play a templar who is willing to save
anyone but you don't have the whole anti-templar darkside thing going.

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