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Re: [HoE] Deadlands and strength
>So are you saying that a Kevlar Vest (AR2 to guts) reduces the die type for
>whole body? That doesn't sound right. So... back to my original question,
>does armor work vs massive damage when the whole body is NOT covered in
>only parts?
Ummm, no. I said "as armor _normally_ does against attacks." Kevlar
doesn't normally protect every body location.
You really probably need to read the whole Massive Damage/Iron Oasis thing.
Or, since it's errata, maybe Pinnacle will actually release it.
But...basically when dealing with Massive Damage, you roll 1d6 for hit
locations (and subtract one _if_ you are dealing with explosions _for_ each
blast radius away from ground zero). No mention is made as to whether this
d6 roll "aces" or not. I don't recall - isn't it assumed that die rolls ace
unless it is otherwise stated...?
The errata does note that the same location can be targeted more than once.
So presumably, if you roll and come up with 5 hit locations, and then roll
for each of _those_ hit locations, and they all five hit the chest, in our
original example (4d10 damage), _and_ figuring Kevlar in, you would
roll...4d6 damage once. And inflict that many wounds (and Wind) on the
chest. Then roll 4d6 and inflict that again as Wound/Wind. And so on and
so on, five total times.
No mention is made as to whether Head/Gizzard modifiers also apply, so
presumably they do. So alternately, if you somehow managed to roll the head
on those five occasions, then you would roll 6d6 damage (two extra dice for
a head shot), apply it, and repeat for the whole five times.
Hope that clarifies things. Since your original question wasn't concerning
massive damage per se, as I recall, I guess I didn't feel the need to spell
out the MD rules. Sorry.
>Steve Crow wrote:
> >
> > With Armor against MD, Armor does _not_ reduce the number of wounds
> > directly. Rather it reduces the type of damage die rolled, as armor
> > normally does against attacks.
> >
> > So if you're taking 4d10 from a Massive Damage attack, and are wearing
> > 3, you reduce the 4d10 by three "steps" (to...4d4) and then the damage
> > figured normally. Roll, total, divide by target's Size, figure # of
> > target spends chips to negate if desired, then roll 1d6 Wind for each
> >
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