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Re: [HoE] Deadlands and strength

>At 04:05 PM 5/9/00 -0400, you wrote:
> >Am I crazy.... (well, let me rephrase)
> >
> >Am I wrong in thinking that if armor absorbs wounds for you you still 
> >wind?  Or maybe Half wind?
> >I could have sworn I read this somewhere.
>Close - if damage is rolled but not enough comes up to cause  a wound
>level, wind damage is still rolled.

Unless...Wounds were reduced to 0 due to chip expenditure, correct?  I know 
someone was suggesting as an alternative that you still roll a d6 even if 
chip expenditure reduces Wounds to 0 in the last week or so, but I don't 
think that was "official", was it...?

>Allan Seyberth
>Deadlands fan site - http://www.darious.com/deadlands/index.html


Steve Crow

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