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Re: [HoE] Deadlands and strength

At 04:03 PM 5/11/00, you wrote:
>So are you saying that a Kevlar Vest (AR2 to guts) reduces the die type 
>for the
>whole body?  That doesn't sound right.  So... back to my original 
>question, How
>does armor work vs massive damage when the whole body is NOT covered in armor,
>only parts?
OK, let me try this again.

I am a Doomie.

Bob flips me off.

I lob a Nuke.

I do 6d20 to Bob

I roll that I hit in 3 locations on a d6

I roll 2 are Guts 1 is legs

I roll my 6d20 and get an 80.  13 wounds (assuming size 6) to the guts

I roll my second (again guts) 6d20.  I get a 60.  10 more wounds to the guts

fortunately, Bob planned ahead and has leg armour.  6d20 is reduced to 
6d10. yay Bob.  Bob takes only 42.  7 wounds to one leg.

Bob dies.

does that help?  I figured I was not answering your question with the other.