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Re: [HoE] Deadlands and strength
>Perhaps I should have clarified, Massive damage, armor reduces the number
>wounds you take per location, do you still take the wind for those wounds?
Here's how it works, as per the basic "damage" rules and page 139 of Iron
With Armor against MD, Armor does _not_ reduce the number of wounds
directly. Rather it reduces the type of damage die rolled, as armor
normally does against attacks.
So if you're taking 4d10 from a Massive Damage attack, and are wearing Armor
3, you reduce the 4d10 by three "steps" (to...4d4) and then the damage is
figured normally. Roll, total, divide by target's Size, figure # of wounds,
target spends chips to negate if desired, then roll 1d6 Wind for each Wound.
Hope that helps.
>Steve Crow wrote:
> > >Am I crazy.... (well, let me rephrase)
> > >
> > >Am I wrong in thinking that if armor absorbs wounds for you you still
> > >wind? Or maybe Half wind?
> > >I could have sworn I read this somewhere.
> > >
> >
> > Deadlands/HoE armor doesn't literally "absorb wounds" - it reduces the
> > and number of dice of damage rolled against the armored one.
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Steve Crow
"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"
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