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Re: [HoE] Deadlands and strength

>At 12:53 AM 5/9/00, you wrote:
>>Yeah, out of curiosity,
>>     Any chance we can come up with some mechanic to big nasty strengths 
>>pound each other?  I mean, otherwise, an AV of 1 makes you bloodwolf 
>>and that aint right.  A big nasty like that thwarted just 'cause some 
>>found some kevlar and a good sewing machine... i mean, where's the 
>>     Perhaps treating it like weapon damage in die lowering, but keeping 
>>it a
>>strength check may help.  That's what I do, but if the weapon damage goes
>>below 1d4, I say it risks breaking the weapon (which is what one martial
>>artist found out when trying to chuck Automatons. I had to do something, 
>>was out of control!).
>Well, actually, AV2 makes you BW proof, and then not completely...
>Two words, Head and Gizzard.  Extra dice are figured in with armour.

Well, I was going to note it yesterday, but AV1 makes you entirely "brawl" 
proof.  For the cost of a relatively cheap coverall suit of Junker AV1, you 
could suit up, wander into the Dive in Junkyard, get into brawls with those 
6d12+12 Cyborgs, and watch all their blows bounce off of you... :)

All you have to worrry about (sort of) is the Durability checks.



Steve Crow

"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"

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