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Re: [HoE] RE: [HOE] Dice odds

At 12:18 AM 5/9/00, you wrote:
> > There was a discussion on Pyramid (www.sjgames.com/pyramid/) about
> > statisticts and probabilities for certain die systems. They were
> > discussing whether or not the Storyteller system from White Wolf was
> > really "simple", and the conversation was drifting towards the dice
> > mechanics. In particular, they were discussing odd little quirks like
> > the more dice you have, the more likely you are to botch (which is
> > actually true if you have only 1 die in your dice pool and
> > move up to 2 dice).
>Actually, that anomaly holds true with any dice pool in Storyteller where
>you have an even number of dice and gain one more (so it's now odd). It
>doesn't happen in the example you mention since MORE THAN HALF of the dice
>must be ones, so with 2 dice, they both have to be one's which is less
>likely than one one on one die. However, 2 dice need 2 ones to botch, and
>three dice need 2 ones to botch, so this means that there is actually more
>chance of botching with three than two. The same holds true with 4/5 dice
>and 6/7 dice and so on.
>Brian "Sorry.. just had to throw my oar in" Leybourne.

It is worth noting that with revised rules, if you have even one success 
(before 1s), you do not botch.