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Re: [HoE] Hand to Hand and AP
Thanks. Actually I did mean actions rather than rounds. My concern
was that if the hero is also blessed by Wyatt, she could theoretically
pull 6 actions per round. The idea of a faith 5 templar pulling 30
actions ( 5 rounds * 6 actions ) of armor piercing whoopass against
some critter seemed a bit excessive. Of course that is the most
extreme example possible.
Both durations seem plausable. Any opinions out there about whether
having the blessing be faith in rounds is too powerful? Would another
duration be more appropriate? Will this questioning ever end?
Steven, yes, technically the earth is a blunt weapon, Strange
darklord@dark-sky.net wrote:
> I like this blessing a lot, one question though, did you happen to mean rounds
> instead of actions for how long the effects last? Lasting for 3-5 actions would
> mean it would last for 1-2 rounds, seems kind of short considering that most other
> effects are measured in rounds.
> --D
> Steven Strange wrote:
> > Marcus, Saint of Melee
> >
> > Marcus was a junker who was found by a group of Confederates late in
> > the war. Pinned down by heavily armored troops, the soldiers implored
> > the junker to suppliment thier rapidly dwindling ammo supply. Marcus
> > refused, simply stating that this whole war would be a lot less messy if
> > people killed each other as God intended, with knives. In the hours
> > before dawn, he brought about a decisive victory by producing a stealth
> > device and several melee weapons using plasma emitting tips capable of
> > puncturing armor.
> >
> > Deed: Any hero who consistantly favors melee weapons over firearms has
> > a chance of gaining this Saints attention.
> >
> > White: A hero's melee weapon unerring finds gaps allowing him to
> > ignore 1 level of armor after for a number of actions equal to his
> > faith.
> > Red: For a number of actions equal to his faith, the hero's blade
> > tends to find weak points in armor and slide uncannily through joints,
> > ignoring 2 levels of armor.
> > Blue: The hero's thrusts are guided by the saint to hit the armor in
> > such a way that it punches straight through, ignoring 3 levels of armor
> > for a number of actions equal to his faith. Think of the hurricain
> > pictures of a palm leaf pushed through a palm tree.
> > Legend: Hero ignores all armor for number of actions equal to his
> > faith, cleaning slicing through any armored threat (not walls or doors
> > or safes) the weapon hits. Marcus loves the look of shock that the
> > victims have when this happens.
> >
> > Vexation: Marcus never had any patience for anyone who recklessly
> > endangered others. He believed firearms causes this on a regular basis
> > and will forsake any Templar who depends too much on them.
> >
> > Steven, give the man with the sword a chance, Strange
> > --
> > sign'd with a flourish and a spatter of ink
> >
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> > unsubscribe hoe
> > as the BODY of the message. The SUBJECT is ignored.
> To unsubscribe, send a message to esquire@gamerz.net with
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sign'd with a flourish and a spatter of ink